Atlas Professionals Aboriginal trainees joined the Maersk Minder

9 December 2019

Clontarf Alumni Joshua Ah Chee and Shannon Sibosado, our two Broome Local Aboriginal trainees joined the Maersk Minder in September as Provisional Integrated Ratings.

The Maersk Minder

The Maersk Minder is a Dynamic Positioning deep water Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel by Salt Ship Design. The vessel is 95 meters in length, 25 meters in width with an ROV garage for one ROV
Launch and Recovery System, a built-in ROV control room, as well as accommodation for 52 persons.
The Maersk Minder was required to carry out general support duties of Development Driller 1 for Chevron. These duties included the supply of deck cargo, liquid bulks such as muds, brines, fuel and water and dry bulks such as cement, baryte and bentonite. 
The Maersk Minder also carried out the disconnection of 8 moorings and reconnection to 16 point pre-lay mooring system, required for the upcoming cyclone season. The mooring system consists of anchors, chains, poly rope and subsea buoys, and is a highly complicated operation due to proximity to live subsea infrastructure.

Shannon and Joshua on board

Both Shannon and Joshua worked a rotation both on deck and in the engine room. In the Engine room they carried out daily rounds. On deck they assisted with preparations for arigshift, inspections and maintenance of the main winches, travelling gantry and shark jaws and assisted in cargo operations. 
“Josh and Shannon attended safety meetings and participated in fire and offshore man over board drills using the Fast Rescue Craft and both carried out their tasks and training diligently”, confirmed the Captain.
Shannon Sibosado is nearing the end of his traineeship with only 75 days seatime remaining to qualify as an Integrated Rating and Joshua Ah Chee requiring 124 days at sea to also qualify.
Maersk Supply Service continue to support this collaboration project and on behalf of Shell & Kotug, Atlas Professionals would like to thank Maersk Supply Service for providing training berths and supporting this successful Indigenous Trainee & Cadet Partnership Program.

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