Environment, Social and Governance

Operating globally, Atlas Professionals strives to create a reliable, agile and sustainable business environment where our Professionals can secure the career they deserve with our Clients having means to access the best talents our industries have to offer.

Environmental - Our Commitment

As a global recruitment company in Energy, Marine & Renewables, we prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our Environmental Policies are designed to ensure Atlas Professionals can maintain a high standard of care for the environment, emphasizing carbon reduction, pollution prevention, continual improvement, environmental awareness and the applications of “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” principles wherever and whenever possible. 

Through the dedication of our team, Clients and all other collaborative partnerships, we strive to fulfil our role in conserving, strengthening and revitalizing our environment for a better tomorrow. Together, we actively contribute to a sustainable future for all.

Sustainability Report 2022

We aim to provide responsible recruitment services for our people and our planet. Our broader approach to sustainability is strongly linked into our values and aligned with the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.

Social - We Invest in People

As a people business at heart, the element we can influence most is People. Social factors of our ESG efforts include observing and implementing provisions related to human rights, including the promotion of labour standards and illegal child labour within our value chain, developing and engaging with our talent and customers, actively promoting diversity and inclusion, and workplace health & safety by applying policies for all stakeholders to live by.

We find jobs for thousands of people each year – sometimes permanent, sometimes on a temporary basis. We genuinely care about our Professionals, make sure they are paid and insured correctly and protect their health and safety to the best of our abilities through our Zero Harm programme. We take initiatives to help people that are somewhat further distanced from the job market to get or keep jobs with our Clients or within our organisation. It is also our belief that achieving a good social score indicates how well our integration efforts with the local community are going and therefore obtaining a ‘social license’ to operate with consent.

Governance - Dedication to Compliance 

Atlas Professionals takes great care to ensure that all stakeholders who rely on us, either by entrusting us with their career, or those who engage our services to deliver their own services to the highest standards, can do so knowing that they are working as part of an open, straightforward and compliant partnership, receiving the best possible support they can. 

 Atlas Professionals maintain a constant overview of new requirements and developments within the Marine, Energy & Renewables industries, ensuring that we remain compliant by adhering to our Code of Conduct, identifying and mitigating risks, and knowing our business. 

Our certifications & qualifications 

Atlas Professionals takes great care to ensure we have all the certificates we need to operate in a safe, legal, and responsible way. Certification also creates a foundation for mutual trust between us, our Professionals, and our Clients – and demonstrates our willingness to go above and beyond. Atlas Professionals has invested in, and now possesses, some of the most significant and demanding certificates our industries require:

  • ISO 9001,14001 & 45001 Certificates.
  • VCU 2011/05 Certificates.
  • MLC 2006 Attestations.NEN4400-1 Certificates.
  • NBBU Certificates.
  • Ecovadis Silver Medal.
  • Affiliation Certificates (FPAL Achilles, FPAL Verify, Trace, ISN, and similar programmes).

The following offices are certified to VCU/SCT 2011/05 Standards: Atlas Services Group BV (Headoffice), Atlas Professionals Flex Services BV (Urk, The Netherlands), Atlas Professionals Public Marine Services BV (Urk, The Netherlands), Atlas Services Group Energy BV (Hoofddorp, The Netherlands).

We are certified and qualified

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